October 14 - 21, 2023
Jisso Youth Travelers’ Village
688 Kogihara, Ookuchi, Isa city, Kagoshima
i-Dance Japan is an International dance improvisation festival established in 2013. It takes place every other year in Isa city, Kagoshima prefecture. This will be our first time to make a come back in 4 years since the COVID-19 pandemic!
The theme of this year is " 邂逅 encounter”
It is an expression used in the meaning of "chance meeting" or "unexpected encounter". Especially "happy encounters with people"
The main essence of this festival is composed of witnessing, learning and dancing spontaneously.
By having nutritional meals in nature of the Jisso town and interacting with this international collective of dance lovers, we hope that you can experience a life style that goes beyond your mundane life.
Taking a walk in the neighborhood, hot spring and spending times with the locals are something we cherish at this festival as well.
You also cannot miss our performance on October 15.
It is an improvisational and collaborative work with dance, music, visual art, and lighting design between the guest artists, the i-Dance organizer team, 3 musicians, a visual artist and 3 lighting designers who will bring radical, improvisational magic to you.
One-on-one is our new attempt. It is a dance structure where each participant can easily approach a facilitator, supporting artist or whoever they are interested to dance together and/or ask questions.
Our improv jams are there for you to indulge in dancing, researching and getting to know each other.
↓↓ 総合チラシできました!
Improvisation Performance
October 15, 15:00 start (14:30 open)
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Don’t miss it!
An improvisation performance by gorgeous artists from all over Japan and abroad.
This improvisation collaboration of dance, music, art, and lighting is a pioneering performance that creates works on stage right now.
Luxury guest artists, i-Dance organizers, three musicians, an visual artist, and two lighting artists will be working together.
Jennifer Nugent Noam Carmeli Masako Kitaura
Ming-Shen Ku Victor Choi-wo Ma Mandy Ming-yin YIM
Chico Katsube Shoko Kashima
Maryse TobiuoRiaki Rana
Maya Onoda and more
Tomoko Morita Sachiko Sakamoto
Stage staff
Tadaharu Iwanaga Hitomi Uchisonoda Kazuhiro Nishi Tatsuro Maehata
Akihiro Nagai
Communication liaison
Akiko Kadota
[ Guest Artists ]
Jennifer Nugent
Noam Carmeli
Masako Kitaura
[Supporting Artists ]
Hanano Teshirogi
Wataru Murakami / nas
Ryuta Iwashita
Rie Takagi
Ai Teranishi
Colleen Coy
[Musicians / Visual artist ]
Maya Onoda
[i-Dance Partners ]
Ming-Shen Ku
Victor Choi-wo Ma
Mandy Ming-yin YIM
[Host artists / Organizers ]
Chico Katsube
photo:Hitoshi Tara
Shoko Kashima
photo: Hitoshi Tara
[Videographer / Photographer ]
Sayaka Mochizuki
現場監督・⾳響⻄和博 前畑⻯郎 内園田仁
広報デザイン 花田理絵子
岸田萌 肥後結子 大隅晃子 大隅哲也 大隅泰生 AyaSaku 太田眞紀 大口子ども劇場
前田忠亮 土生さとみ 古川貸しふとん店 南天竺屋 カオニャット
About i-Dance
This festival first started in Hong Kong. Then as Taipei, Seoul, and Kagoshima, Japan joined the team, we have been building such an amazing international solidarity. Through our festivals, we have been able to exchange our art scenes not only in Asia but all over the world and support each other’s artistry.
This year, we have invited Victor Ma and Mandy Yim from Hong Kong, Ming Shen Ku from Taipei to deepen our research together as we catch up with the time we lost from the COVID-19 pandemic period.
i-Dance Japan is an immersive dance festival at Jisso Seishounen Ryoko Mura in Isa city, Kagoshima prefecture where we eat, sleep and dance together.